pokemonnarutofan10's Channel
pokemonnarutofan10 has no videos available.
i make the pokemon figure adventure series. All videos will be a tribute to eevee2espeon since she has pemanentaly closed her acount (she will be missed.)
I have also started to do Kingdom Hearts dubs so expect some of thoes if you have subscribed to me for my pokemon episodes.

STATUS: got new new camera and it does not have a glitch (thank god). I will use this camera for my pokemon vids. The one that does have a glich I will use that for Lets plays.
Bad news about my zelda lets play. all videos that we recorder after the fire temple have been eraced of my computer somehow so the rest of zelda from there on is cancled. im really sorry :(
My new lets play will be sonic colors

I also have a deviantart account.There's not much on ther but please do check it out , it will make me really happy.
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