Morjax Plays
Morjax Plays's Channel
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Morjax Plays
Do Good in the world, my friend.

Bona fide YouTube goofball, Dad, Husband, chemist and taiko dude. I make Let’s Play videos for your eyeballs with light-hearted commentary for your earballs! I wield 0.000002232 acres of facial hair. We play lots of games here, but pay some special attention to strategy, survival, and grimdark Warhammer-type games.

I’d like you to know that all of my patrons are very impressive and handsome! (

Would you like to help me create more content that I pour myself into? If so, sharing my videos with people you think would be interested makes a *gigantic* difference! You can also subscribe to my goofball antics, if that’s something you’d like to do ^_^

Thank you for joining me; it’s fantastic to have you here and I truly hope you enjoy your stay to my little corner of the internet!

If you run a YouTube channel, I've made a free/PWYW guide for YOU!

Contact morjaxplays at gmail
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