Welcome to PIXELATION10's youtube channel, here we will present to you various of videos for events or for fun of maplestory music videos that we have collaborated within one another, or with another studio & sometimes with guests!
Leader - DonDuhrLoser
Co - Leader - iKoaumi
Secretary/Updater - FlowerVanessa
Designer (2) Icons/Banners/Thumbnails/ - revertedd1 &
Want to join Pixelation? So far pixelation has (17) members out of (25) that are currently in the studio. At the moment we are looking for new members! Stay in touch!
Every individual animator has the ability to improve overtime or in a short period of time, depending how much effort you put! So always believe yourself!
Leader - DonDuhrLoser
Co - Leader - iKoaumi
Secretary/Updater - FlowerVanessa
Designer (2) Icons/Banners/Thumbnails/ - revertedd1 &
Want to join Pixelation? So far pixelation has (17) members out of (25) that are currently in the studio. At the moment we are looking for new members! Stay in touch!
Every individual animator has the ability to improve overtime or in a short period of time, depending how much effort you put! So always believe yourself!
Friends (15)
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