I am Blunder, also called blue.
and I have the solution when you are board, well then look no further then this Gaming channel of Bluender
I like to entertain the board and play any game people set me to!
no matter how spooky or rage inducing i will endure the quest you set me to!
Anyways thank you for reading this short memo Enderonians.
this is Bluender signing off! peace! (。--------- °)
I am Blunder, also called blue.
and I have the solution when you are board, well then look no further then this Gaming channel of Bluender
I like to entertain the board and play any game people set me to!
no matter how spooky or rage inducing i will endure the quest you set me to!
Anyways thank you for reading this short memo Enderonians.
this is Bluender signing off! peace! (。--------- °)
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