Michael Dunn
Michael Dunn's Channel
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Michael Dunn
The best offense is a strong defense.

Skype- maikerudunn878


Pokemon Black - Michael
4169 6729 3108

My Rules:

-No hacked movesets or abilitys, or stats(above ev limit, ect)

- No evasion boosting moves.

-No luck items like quick claw, bright powder, focus band.

- No unreleased pokes or items like pinch berries, soul dew, ect.

- Prefer not fighting teams of just 6 sweepers and life orbs/choice items, makes the metagame boring.

-Species clause, sleep clause, freeze clause,

- Dc's are sometimes no one's fault, but if you say gtg bye and dc when the match is near over its your fault.

- If you are uploading a match against me I'd rather know than just finding it.

I also accept emails at mikedunn878@hotmail.com for battles.
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