BallisticPlusPaint - Let's Play Channel (3 Uploads a Week!)
BallisticPlusPaint - Let's Play Channel (3 Uploads a Week!)'s Channel
BallisticPlusPaint - Let's Play Channel (3 Uploads a Week!) has no videos available.
BallisticPlusPaint - Let's Play Channel (3 Uploads a Week!)
BallisticPlusPaint - Let's Play Channel (3 Uploads a Week!)
We are just two cousins trying to make our way to the top in YouTube. We love making videos no matter how many subs we have and we will continue so even if we have 1 subscriber as long as we are entertaining someone we will be happy!
Upload Schedule:
Mondays, Wednesday And Fridays Are Our Upload Days. (Sometimes Can Vary Like uploads a Day Or Normal Schedule)
Monday (LIVE Commentary) Wednesday (Random Video) Friday (Voice Over - With Topics)
Our Goals To Achieve Through this channel are:
1. Reach 1k Subs (Become Partnered?) - Elgato Giveaway ?
2. Reach 10k Subs (YouTube Partnership?)
3.Reach 100k Subs (Sponsorship deal?)
4. Raise £10,000 For Cancer Research / MacMillan

All Of Our Videos Are Dedicated To Our great Nan Who died Of Cancer Unfortunately On the 26/4/14. Although she may be gone now she will always be in our thoughts and prayers no matter what!
She Was A Truly Inspirational Women Who Had a heart of gold.
Channel Comments
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