(The) Kaiju Boi
(The) Kaiju Boi's Channel
(The) Kaiju Boi has no videos available.
(The) Kaiju Boi
Random dude who likes animating, gaming and keeps on dying.

You want a more detailed description? Here:

I am a person, I think, that lightly enjoys playing games, mainly mobile games since I'm poor L, and an animator. I guess I enjoy dinosaurs, kaijus, animals and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I like criticism and I enjoy you wasting your time to watch my content for like 2 seconds. My YT name has 'the' in brackets because people tend to ignore it and say 'Kaiju Boi'. Right now, I am deciding whether to make more types of content to my channel (that aren't games or animations) and whether to add more JJBA content to my channel.

Things I make videos about:
Dinosaurs, Godzilla, Gamera, Kong, Other Prehistoric Life.

Situation Explanation:
Haha, funny demotivation for 2-3 years which I cannot combat, I promise I will be more active one day, who knows when. If you want to blame something, blame lockdown and me partially.

Channel Comments
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