GOAT Asian Baller
GOAT Asian Baller's Channel
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GOAT Asian Baller
How much does your dream mean to you?

To achieve anything great in life, it takes true passion and love for what you do, years of hard work and dedication, and ultimately, an unbelievable accumulation of knowledge gained through the years so that you're an expert on everything you need to know to accomplish your dream. In others words, it takes passion, perseverance, and intelligence.

Follow my journey to the NBA (episodes 3x + per week), the national basketball association, where the best basketball players in the world play, while learning EVERYTHING I know about fitness, athleticism, basketball, and life wisdom. I'm here to prove that anything is possible. ANYTHING!

By the end of 2019, I will be good enough for the NBA. Subscribe to watch how it's done!! This is a story of ultimate will, intelligence, and passion VS ultimate genetics and height.

IG: Goat_asian_baller
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