Joey van der Steeg
Joey van der Steeg's Channel
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Joey van der Steeg
I've always been fascinated by fire. This pushed me towards metalworking and discovering the world of blacksmithing. I used to have another channel before this one called JoeDeSmid (Dutch for JoeTheBlacksmith) on which I showed my earliest forging videos. Sadly I removed these videos because a lot negative comments and decrease in interest in the craft.
I got more into mechanics and machining (steam engines) and did a lot of machinist work, partially because that is what also I got taught in technical studies at secondary school. A person who does mechnics and machining is known as a "technicus" in Dutch.
That is how this "new" YouTube name was born.
Blacksmithing came easily back as I can't let go of fire. Machining is cold and greasy, blacksmithing-forging is HOT.

The main purpose of my channel is to provide amusing and instructional videos. But after a few years now, it has shifted to a personal documentary about myself how I roll deeper and deeper into the craft.
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