SPI Ministries
SPI Ministries's Channel
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SPI Ministries
Welcome to my channel! I'm SPI, and I have 3 Goals with this channel!-
To Point You To Jesus– we all fall short of the glory of God, except for Jesus. We all sin, meaning we all disobey God our Creator, and we all need a Savior; no one comes to the Father except through Jesus. Whoever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life– start a true, personal relationship with Jesus today, with Him as your Savior and Lord.
Point You To God's Word (be a true disciple of Jesus Christ with Him as the Lord of your life– be open to the Bible, receive it, and apply it every single day. Let the Spirit use you. Share your faith.) & Encourage You To Grow Closer To God– How often do you pray to God?
Point You To Church (get plugged into a community of believers; find accountability, Be discipled and disciple one)

I will post full Messages on this channel! Subscribe for further study into God's Word!
And PLZ email me if you have any questions about the Bible or being saved!

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