MrMean36000vr's Channel
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안녕하세요 !

I'm the "Meanest" veteran hacker from MarioKartWii's WFC.

Hello visitor, I am MrMean36000vr, I used to hack Mario Kart Wii, this is a new dawn for me as for, well... Mario Kart and stuff.

I might be getting Mario Kart 7 for this Christmas, and I am giving a heads up since now I will not be using the name Mr Mean anymore, there is a good chance I'll use the name Sung Jong.

Now I introduce myself... I know plenty of you don't really know the real me so here I go, I live in Boriquén, I am Asian, born in the Phillipines, I am 17 years old, I'm a choreographer, I dance Hip Hop and well... yes. I know English, Spanish and am learning Korean. Yes I have a slight obsession with South Korea and hoping in one day visiting but at the moment I do not own 3k $. Moving on! I've ALWAYS loved video games so this is why I... yeah, obvious things.

Friends tell me I am Korean born in the wrong country, but I'm really not, but the thought of it is nice, heh! Anyways, this will be a new dawn since of Mario Kart 7 and all that, so have a nice day and never forget to get up from every fall.
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