MsDaBoss7's Channel
MsDaBoss7 has no videos available.
Hello there! My name's Sarah. I was inspired by PanManDan, a music mashupper from the early 2010's, and I use Audacity to combine video game music to make mixes/mashups.

PLEASE keep in mind that I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS REGULARLY. I strive to hold a Limited-Time Requests Event every other year or so, but that depends on how busy I am. If you want to give a request, I have a list of fellow mashuppers here on my channel (I only ask that you please respect their wishes if they don't take requests), as well as some mashup tutorial videos so you can attempt to make it yourself.

Besides mixing, I enjoy creating other VGM related content, such as soundfont swaps, working on my two Undertale AUs "Banditale" & "Undercloud", and just other random things I can think of.

Our Mashup Community Discord server:

(P.S. In my early days of YouTube, my name was "MrDaBoss7" due to accidentally thinking I had picked "MrsDaBoss7". I am and always have been a woman. 👍)
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