Οποιος για το δίκιο του δεν παλεύει θα ζει και θα πεθάνει σαν ραγιάς
ἀἰὲν ἀριστεύειν
aièn aristeúein
"Ever to Excel"
The source is the sixth book of Homer's Iliad, (Iliad 6. 208) in a speech Glaucus delivers to Diomedes:
"Hippolocus begat me. I claim to be his son, and he sent me to Troy with strict instructions: Ever to excel, to do better than others, and to bring glory to your forebears, who indeed were very great ... This is my ancestry; this is the blood I am proud to inherit."
ἀἰὲν ἀριστεύειν
aièn aristeúein
"Ever to Excel"
The source is the sixth book of Homer's Iliad, (Iliad 6. 208) in a speech Glaucus delivers to Diomedes:
"Hippolocus begat me. I claim to be his son, and he sent me to Troy with strict instructions: Ever to excel, to do better than others, and to bring glory to your forebears, who indeed were very great ... This is my ancestry; this is the blood I am proud to inherit."
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