Alcance Tendencia Mx
Alcance Tendencia Mx's Channel
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Alcance Tendencia Mx
Alcance Tendencia Mx
Alcance Tendencia Mx is a network that offers different entertainment shows.

The shows:

Lacriñoños: show of analysis, news, criticism, reviews and opinion about the band Lacrimosa, hosted by Gabriel Liebenden, Carlos von Richter and Juan Antonio Castro.

La Tetulia: A show about pop culture and trending entertainment, ideal for superheroes, movies, comics, video games and general entertainment fans. Hosted by Gabriel Liebenden, Rashno, Mich Lara, Josué Sención, Christian Vizuet, among others.

Peli Culeros: show about film analysis and debate, hosted by Gabriel Liebenden and Juan Antonio Castro.

El Rincón del Villano: comedy show about fictional villains, hosted by Gabriel Liebenden and Diefuan.

Other programs on the channel: Let's Write Together (Writer's Vlog), Travel Log (travel and lifestyle), El Confesionario (Various Vlog and opinion), Le Mal Gusteau (Late Night).
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