Panic Rush Films
Hello there, My Name is Corey but People around here call me Panic. What is your name? Oh I'll just call you Lulzbian, sounds good? Ok. So this is my YouTube Channel where I Upload Videos of Gaming or sometimes Video Game Shorts. I enjoy editing and making videos. I Upload mostly for my friends to check out, btw I call my friends Lulzbians! Hit that Dicklikes button!
Lulzbian Goal: 1000
Gaming Device Used: PS4
Current Let's Plays: Dirt Rally and Fallout 4.
Current Shorts In The Making: Taxi Driver Reloaded, Fallen Angels, and Preacher.
Lulzbian Goal: 1000
Gaming Device Used: PS4
Current Let's Plays: Dirt Rally and Fallout 4.
Current Shorts In The Making: Taxi Driver Reloaded, Fallen Angels, and Preacher.
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