Olá, eu me chamo Thales Lima, sou brasileiro, e este canal é dedicado ao meu trabalho como Michael Jackson impersonator. Desde os 15 anos de idade, me apaixonei pela magia e pelo talento de Michael Jackson, e desde os 17 anos me dedico á estudar e interpretar suas performances. Aqui você pode ver um pouco do que pude aprender me espelhando na mágica do meu grande exemplo de artista e de vida. Eu espero que possa ser uma homenagem digna da grandeza de Michael, e do verdadeiro fã que sou. L, O, V, E :)
Hi, my name is Thales Lima, I am Brazilian, and this channel is dedicated to my work as Michael Jackson impersonator. Since I was 15, I fell in love with the magic and the talent of Michael Jackson, and since I was 17, I'm studing and interpreting their performances and dances. Here you can see some of what I learned mirroring me in the magic of my great example of artist and in life. I hope it can be a worthy tribute to Michael, cause I am a really true fan. L, O, V, E :)
Hi, my name is Thales Lima, I am Brazilian, and this channel is dedicated to my work as Michael Jackson impersonator. Since I was 15, I fell in love with the magic and the talent of Michael Jackson, and since I was 17, I'm studing and interpreting their performances and dances. Here you can see some of what I learned mirroring me in the magic of my great example of artist and in life. I hope it can be a worthy tribute to Michael, cause I am a really true fan. L, O, V, E :)
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