Kristin Welton
Kristin Welton's Channel
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Kristin Welton
I like big knives and I cannot lie!

I am a lover of many things - music, books, baking, tea, cooking, make-up and kitties! I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2015 and for the most part, I'm living well with it with some bumps in the road, which I'm more than happy to share with you.

I love make up and skin care, maybe obsessed is a better term! My skin is changing as I'm *gulp* aging and my routine is changing along with it, and yes, it's frustrating and sometimes makes me sad -- how ridiculous is that?! But I know that I'm not alone in this rollercoaster journey. Stay tuned!

My videos will consist of reviews, unboxing, cooking and baking, making delicious teas and hanging out with my daughter, Kiera.

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