GodzillaMario1996's Channel
GodzillaMario1996 has no videos available.
Hi, welcome to my channel! I'm just a 22 year-old who loves Godzilla, Pokémon, Sonic, Mario, and TLOZ. I also enjoy modding games and have been since the early Brawl days. if you're into any of that, you'll probably like it here.

NNID: GodzillaMario
3DS Friend Code: 5301-1171-1512
Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-1875-8906-3097
Mario Kart Wii CTGP Wiimmfi Friend Code:

No copyright infringement intended. GODZILLA and related characters property of TOHO CO. LTD. Footage and music are used solely for the entertainment of others, and to bring awareness to the franchise.

No copyright infringement intended. Pokemon and related characters property of Nintendo, and GameFreak Footage and music are used solely for the entertainment of others, and to bring awareness to the franchise.
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