nightmaresonwax1's Channel
nightmaresonwax1 has no videos available.
oldskool crew how r u !!! copyright holders send me a message in order 2 remove the videos that u dont wont me 2 upload & i will remove it please just dont give me a strike :) thx ...... new channel i was nightmaresonwax74 but that channel is now clossed . all my channel is about is 2 let people see what the music was like at the birth of rave & when it all started 4 me . i am not a dj but i have a set of technics 1210s & a lot of vinyl that i started 2 collect back in 1990 to 1994 i get my tunes now from ebay if i c a old tune that i love .so if u like what you c please sub me or add me as your friend the bigger the channel gets the more the more i no that there are people with the same love 4 music as me. :) thx
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