GamingallGenres's Channel
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Hey! I'm GamingallGenres. This all started back in 2010 when I first got the internet.. One of my best mates got me into YouTube (Seananners specifically) and I instantly became obsessed, as I do with a lot of things. Wanting to start-up my own channel, I took 2 years making 7 very legal tutorials and achieved 500k views, and I still haven't beaten that record to date.

In 2012 I made a very poor start to a gaming channel dream by the name of GamingallGenres.. and then it all took off! lol no, I'm only kidding, I had made 40 subs in 8 months and even by the one year mark only had just over 100. Thing is, I didn't care! I love creating and I love gaming, this is my fun little project and maybe one day it'll become famous, maybe it won't, I don't mind, but why not come with me as we find out along the way?

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