ToxicDMG's Channel
ToxicDMG has no videos available.
We are not able to upload regularly.
This channel has two parts -
ToxicDMG -
English Minecraft and Detective Channel but alas, you won't be able to see my face for a long time. Not ony that, sometimes we play other games as well. But we are focused to minecraft and detective vidoes.We sometimes be a noob in games and sometimes we try to mimic other youtubers such as PewDiePie, Reaction Time, BeastBoyShub, etc. With your help, this channel can grow to the funnest channel in the world. We try to bring the best videos for you. Please give us ideas on which you would like to watch videos on. Sometimes, I am formal but sometimes I am just crazy. For now our goal is to get to 50 subscribers but our ultimate goal is to reach 50M subscribers. Whoa! That's a lot. So let's bring it down to 8000 subscribers.

ToxicGeek -
English Language Channel and we are focused on Language. We bring out weekly Language videos. Our area is Indo-Aryan specifically.
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