628DirtRooster Bees
628DirtRooster Bees's Channel
628DirtRooster Bees has no videos available.
628DirtRooster Bees
628 Dirt Rooster channel is a beekeeping channel dedicated to learning by doing and having fun in the process. I am a hobby beekeeper and the main subject of this channel is beekeeping but I have many interests and so my channel will have a variety of what I hope will be entertaining and educational videos. Mostly entertaining though. This is also a family friendly channel. There are lots of young eyes and ears taking in the information on YouTube and I am very sensitive to that. The content of this channel is kept clean.

My upload schedule is once a week typically. I don't have a set day or time for the uploads so subscribe to get notification of new videos.

Direct correspondence through our email or to our mailing address at:

628 DirtRooster
P.O. Box 3552
Gulfport, MS. 39505
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