Peter Scargill
Peter Scargill's Channel
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Peter Scargill
This channel, in the main, is about home automation and general tech reviews - but I am also interested in photography so you may see a little of everything in here.

Probably my first hobby as a teenager was electronics - a hobby which then became my career. After decades in electronics and 14 years as IT Director of a large business-support organisation I've returned to electronics as a consultant, writer and hobbyist. i.e. I get to decide what to do.

I have homes in Spain and the UK and they are automated using the technology I talk about in some of my YouTube videos and in my tech blog at I do my best to explain things so that relative beginners can take advantage of my writing - apparently I succeed as the blog has, at the time of writing, around 16,000 followers. I also have a couple of Facebook pages and I'm on Twitter (@scargill) if anyone wants to keep up with announcements.

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