TREY the Explainer
TREY the Explainer's Channel
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TREY the Explainer
Explain Everything...and more!
This channel's goal is to help educate the average person on science topics. I will mostly examine biology, zoology, anthropology paleontology, and cryptozoology subjects.
I have a super wide amount of interests and cover topics ranging from animals, cryptids, prehistoric life, conservation, anthropology, culture, history, and even ancient mythology and religion... and I'm always adding new stuff I find intriguing/interesting.

If I ever give misinformation or outdated information or fail to cite my sources or credit images/art/etc., please correct me.

P.S. protect the environment and save the sharks!

Old Logo made by C.M. Kösemen
Current Logo by @komemerda (Twitter) or komepure (Instagram)
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