The Sun and Eclipse show
Welcome to the sun and eclipse show we welcome you with open arms!
This channel/videos are based off the sun and moon show and the celestial idiots although the storyline,lore and a lot of the characters will be completely different
Banner made by: Pink_pop🩷(привет)
Pfp made by: astrofhobia (on discord)
Sunrise acted by:_sohol_
Eclipse acted by:Pink_pop🩷(привет)
Moon acted by: sunriseandmoondropgaming
Frank acted by: kittythe_pup
Willow/Jay acted by: blufox92
Duzk acted by: universal_kai
Theo acted by: .th30_
Sun-eclipse acted by:suneclipsealex_96335
The prototype acted by: hopeofhops
Michael acted by: zer0yt.
Please come join us in our discord server
This channel/videos are based off the sun and moon show and the celestial idiots although the storyline,lore and a lot of the characters will be completely different
Banner made by: Pink_pop🩷(привет)
Pfp made by: astrofhobia (on discord)
Sunrise acted by:_sohol_
Eclipse acted by:Pink_pop🩷(привет)
Moon acted by: sunriseandmoondropgaming
Frank acted by: kittythe_pup
Willow/Jay acted by: blufox92
Duzk acted by: universal_kai
Theo acted by: .th30_
Sun-eclipse acted by:suneclipsealex_96335
The prototype acted by: hopeofhops
Michael acted by: zer0yt.
Please come join us in our discord server
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