Jared Cicon: Patriot Journalist
Jared Cicon: Patriot Journalist's Channel
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Jared Cicon: Patriot Journalist
Jared Cicon: Patriot Journalist
My name is Jared Cicon. Just in case it matters to you as much as it does I...it's pronounced (sigh-sin)...though I'll probably never hear you screw it up.

This channel is all about Citizen Journalism. Watch the videos.

I am a married father of four children (30 years), a peacetime Army Reserve Veteran, avid basketball player, commercial producer, teacher, author, songwriter, political thinker and still searching for the person who doesn't think I'm full of myself.

We're losing our country. Already, our children's experience is not even close to what we had. Our parents had many more common elements of culture with us then we and our children do. The secular world is seeking the souls of everyone but especially our little ones. Time to educate ourselves...and everyone we love. No more fence sitting or Netflix binge-watching. Sorry, but that knocking you hear at your front door is the Piper with an invoice.

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