Falconshield is music producer Josef Falkensköld, dedicated to make the best possible original content in gaming!
During the days I work as an Audio Director in the game industry, but during nights, I am Falconshield ;) I often collab with other creators and talents around the world, and the quality of the productions always comes first. I love to explore and expand my boundaries, so I'm sure there's something for you here! :D
All my songs are related to games in some way. I like to find angles that haven't been interpreted, or aspects that perhaps aren't the most commonly adapted.
I sincerely hope you'll enjoy the music~
During the days I work as an Audio Director in the game industry, but during nights, I am Falconshield ;) I often collab with other creators and talents around the world, and the quality of the productions always comes first. I love to explore and expand my boundaries, so I'm sure there's something for you here! :D
All my songs are related to games in some way. I like to find angles that haven't been interpreted, or aspects that perhaps aren't the most commonly adapted.
I sincerely hope you'll enjoy the music~
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