ЛИМОН Чарівник
Hello. The channel my name Lemon Wizard (in real life - Konstantin).
I'm the same age as the first and Mortal Kombat, fighting game series videoigor genre.
I work at Hogwarts (except that there is no magic).
I joke a joke, do a variety of video character (the main thing that I was interested in). I tell only the good.
Topics of our discussions - games: World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Hearthstone, Star Craft, Dota2, HOTS and more
I'm the same age as the first and Mortal Kombat, fighting game series videoigor genre.
I work at Hogwarts (except that there is no magic).
I joke a joke, do a variety of video character (the main thing that I was interested in). I tell only the good.
Topics of our discussions - games: World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Hearthstone, Star Craft, Dota2, HOTS and more
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