Purple Group Studio
Greetings, I think it's not by chance that you came here, because here is a brief information and possibly information for the future.
Who are we? We are an assembly of gmod machinimators, or to be more precise, we have such a composition - "Hank, Kat, Shlifa, Anarchist", most of them know their names or something like that, but the question arises why? First, no one on Russian-speaking YouTube has done this, at least I don't remember, the second, everyone voted positively for this idea.
Will there be a Discord server? At the moment - no, it won't, but in the future it may be.
Who is the founder of the idea to create such a channel?
Well, if it's very interesting, then I am it - A Strip, Grinding, Sandpaper, a Polished Box.
The rest voted for or against, I believe that we are all the creators of this channel in general, although I can be singled out as the "Founder of the idea" but no more.
Oh yes, thank you for your attention!
Who are we? We are an assembly of gmod machinimators, or to be more precise, we have such a composition - "Hank, Kat, Shlifa, Anarchist", most of them know their names or something like that, but the question arises why? First, no one on Russian-speaking YouTube has done this, at least I don't remember, the second, everyone voted positively for this idea.
Will there be a Discord server? At the moment - no, it won't, but in the future it may be.
Who is the founder of the idea to create such a channel?
Well, if it's very interesting, then I am it - A Strip, Grinding, Sandpaper, a Polished Box.
The rest voted for or against, I believe that we are all the creators of this channel in general, although I can be singled out as the "Founder of the idea" but no more.
Oh yes, thank you for your attention!
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