Jaimers's Channel
Jaimers has no videos available.
My favorite genre is shoot-em-ups (shmups), 2D scrolling shooters of both the vertical and horizontal kind with usually a touch of bullet hell.

These games are so good but so tragically obscure, so I've based my channel around showcasing these games so they can get more exposure.

I usually upload videos where I beat these games on one credit, usually on the hardest difficulty, while also aiming for high scores to fully showcase them.

Often I also give tips on how to beat them and give a little review in the description too.

I'm kind of a variety player who plays almost everything, from arcade shmups to silly obscure doujin shmups. Cave games are probably among my favorites though.

Some notable scores are:
- Dodonpachi 638 million 2-ALL.
- Ketsui 389 million Ura 2-ALL.
- Dangun Feveron 12 million ALL.
- Strikers 1999 2,7 million 2-ALL.
- Rayforce 8 million ALL.

I generally use a Sega Saturn pad to play.
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