TheBritishGamerHD TBG
Hey guys how's it going? TheBritishGamerHD here and Welcome! My Name is Brandon and I'm 19 years old living in the south of England. I've been making Youtube videos for about 3 years over the span of 3 channels, (Don't worry this is my final and main one) My first channel I left to become a Poketuber a youtuber who focuses on playing Pokemon and after about a year and a half I felt that I wanted to expand and make other gaming content as well so that's where this channel was born. So I'm going to be playing across the playstaion systems and the Nintendo DS feel free to add me on either. I like to have 3 let's plays going at once just to give more variety on the channel and it makes it that I don't get bored of a game for playing for so long. But that's about it if you think you would be interested in staying watch some videos if you like them hit the like button for me and subscribe to stick around I upload every day at 3pm BST :)
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