HackingArts and more
ESPAÑOL: Hola soy Alex y tengo 15 años y me gusta dibujar y jugar videojuegos. Me cree este canal con el son de poder hacer las cosas que me gustan y poder mejorar en ellas como: Doblaje , FanDubs , Covers (si es que mi voz es buena) y Animaciones o SpeedDraws.
Gracias por pasarse por el canal y haberle dado su apoyo y dejar su "SUSCRIPCIÓN" y por "ACTIVAR LA CAMPANITA" y dejar sus "LIKES" en mis videos. Gracias tengan un buen dia.
ENGLISH: Hi, I'm Alex and I'm 15 years old and I like to draw and play video games. I created this channel with the purpose of being able to do the things I like and to improve on them such as: Dubbing, FanDubs, Covers (if my voice is good) and Animations or SpeedDraws.
Thank you for stopping by the channel and giving your support and leaving your "SUBSCRIPTION" and for "ACTIVATING THE BELL" and leaving your "LIKES" in my videos. Thank you have a good day.
Gracias por pasarse por el canal y haberle dado su apoyo y dejar su "SUSCRIPCIÓN" y por "ACTIVAR LA CAMPANITA" y dejar sus "LIKES" en mis videos. Gracias tengan un buen dia.
ENGLISH: Hi, I'm Alex and I'm 15 years old and I like to draw and play video games. I created this channel with the purpose of being able to do the things I like and to improve on them such as: Dubbing, FanDubs, Covers (if my voice is good) and Animations or SpeedDraws.
Thank you for stopping by the channel and giving your support and leaving your "SUBSCRIPTION" and for "ACTIVATING THE BELL" and leaving your "LIKES" in my videos. Thank you have a good day.
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