Jakkun's Channel
Jakkun has no videos available.
Tales challenge runner, combo artist, and self-proclaimed "Funny Hitbox Man".

I aim to provide quality Tales gameplay, with a focus on the creative and unorthodox things that can be done in its battle systems. As a firm believer of quality over quantity, upload speed here is pretty slow. However, I guarantee that when I do post something here, it's made to the best of my ability with a high personal standard of play. If you don't mind seeing a Ludger video once a month or so, then welcome aboard.

Expect a lot of Falling Snow and Mine Collapse, btw.
Main Project:
Ludger Solo (No Damage)

Future Projects:
Xillia 2 Co-op
Vesperia Karol Stuff
Xillia 2 Combo Video

Channel Comments
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