Berenice Leme Franco: 033berenice
Ao único Deus sábio, Salvador nosso, seja glória e majestade, domínio e poder, agora, e para todo o sempre. Amém.
Judas 1:25
" Cantarei ao SENHOR enquanto eu viver; cantarei louvores ao meu Deus, enquanto eu tiver existência." Salmos 104:33
" 我要一生向耶和华唱诗。我还活的时候,要向我神歌颂。" 诗篇 104:33
" A Jehová cantaré en mi vida: A mi Dios salmearé mientras viviere." Salmos 104:33
" I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being." Psalms 104:33
"Je chanterai l'Éternel tant que je vivrai, Je célébrerai mon Dieu tant que j'existerai." Psaumes 104:33
" Wǒ yào yìshēng xiàng Yēhéhuá chàng shī . wǒ hái huó de shíhou , yào xiàng wǒ shén gēsòng ." Shīpiān 104:33
" Буду петь Господу во [всю] жизнь мою, буду петь Богу моему, доколе есмь." Псалом 104:33 (103-33)
" Ich will dem HERRN singen mein Leben lang und meinen Gott loben, solange ich bin. " Psalter 104:33
Judas 1:25
" Cantarei ao SENHOR enquanto eu viver; cantarei louvores ao meu Deus, enquanto eu tiver existência." Salmos 104:33
" 我要一生向耶和华唱诗。我还活的时候,要向我神歌颂。" 诗篇 104:33
" A Jehová cantaré en mi vida: A mi Dios salmearé mientras viviere." Salmos 104:33
" I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being." Psalms 104:33
"Je chanterai l'Éternel tant que je vivrai, Je célébrerai mon Dieu tant que j'existerai." Psaumes 104:33
" Wǒ yào yìshēng xiàng Yēhéhuá chàng shī . wǒ hái huó de shíhou , yào xiàng wǒ shén gēsòng ." Shīpiān 104:33
" Буду петь Господу во [всю] жизнь мою, буду петь Богу моему, доколе есмь." Псалом 104:33 (103-33)
" Ich will dem HERRN singen mein Leben lang und meinen Gott loben, solange ich bin. " Psalter 104:33
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