Nathan Allen Pinard
Nathan Allen Pinard's Channel
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Nathan Allen Pinard
Nathan Allen Pinard is a specialist in composing for Video Games, Movies, Machinima, TV, and Films.

Nathan has done work for Disney, orchestrating and co-writing the song "Dare to Dream" on The Princess and the Frog: Tiana and Her Princess Friends with several other composers. The album the song is featured on was recently released in stores. Nathan has also worked with various clients such as Brandon M. Dennis . Known as Oxhorn Brandon is the creator of popular World of Warcraft machinima films viewed by millions such as the "Inventing Swear Words" and "Associate Professor Evil" series, as well as other small films.

Nathan was also recently nominated for 3 IMEA awards with his band "Immortal Aria".

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This channel is dedicated to showing the composing process as well as showcasing some of the tools and techniques to composing though session videos and tutorials.
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