Dazs n’ Abz
Dazs n’ Abz's Channel
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Dazs n’ Abz
We're Hector (Soar Dazs) and Abby!

We have three cats; Pearl, Diamond, and Peridot! We've since captured our proposal and other adventures within our lives.

So much has happened before and so much has happened since. Cats, jobs, realizations, friendships, and love. And there is only more to come. One thing is for sure that this hasn't been an easy journey for either of us. But we will continue onward everyday.

Join us in our adventures and be our friend!

Hector, Abby, Pearl, Diamond, and Peridot!

Dazs' Channel: https://www.youtube.com/DazsBf
Abby's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSo8q1I...
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