Introvert Heaven
Introvert Heaven's Channel
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Introvert Heaven
Youtube now wants my phone number and/or my home address in order to let me edit my own page. To this I say BS. What's wrong with a different email address to confirm who I am?Or even the same email address that I already use to log on? They send a code to that email address and I type that code in. See how easy that is?
Life is an unrelenting compromise. And that's why I chose a career in hermitry. In keeping with this, I hide under my desk when the phone rings. Please subscribe to my channel. I have music here. Honest.
Other stuff:
Banned in Italy: Not all of me. Just one song. I could actually go to Italy I suppose, but that one song can't. So that's my claim to fame. I'm actually banned in a country I've never been to. Well... the song is.

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