SkinnyBabe38's Channel
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SkinnyBabe38 ☜❤I am in love❤☞Skinnybabe38

My Favorite Color Is Blue Is The Color Of Love
I love music, art, poetry, piano, traveling, boating, surfing, the ocean, the sky, nature, animals, birds & more.
I Am Respectful To Others And Wish The Same

A Single Rose can be my Garden and a Single friend can be my World...A. Buscaglia
The best proof of love is trust. Joyce Brothers
A friend to all is a friend to none..Aristotle
Joy comes not through possesion or ownwership but through a wise and loving heart. Buddha
Never apologize for showing feelings. When you do so, you apologize for the truth. Benjamin Johnson
Give Thanks for a little and you will find lots. Hausa Proverb
The more light you allow withing you, the brighter the world you live in will be..Shakti Gawain
Books like friends should be well chosen..Joine Riana
My Love, If the only place I can see you was in my dreams, I'd dream forever.
Interior Designer
Art Collector
Miami Beach, FL
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