Hola! Aku Nawuruw, VTuber asal Indonesia. Selam kenal~ Aku suka melakukan live streaming, membuat konten dan bermain game bersama dengan teman-teman disini. Semoga tempat ini dapat menjadi tempat ternyaman untuk kamu. Aku ingin tempat ini seperti rumah bagi kamu, dimana kita menghabiskan waktu berharga bersama.
Jangan lupa untuk join Discord Nawuruw ya, jadi kita bisa ngobrol di luar live!
Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya! Nawuruw sangat cinta kalian!
Hola! I am Nawuruw, a Vtuber from Indonesia. Nice to meet you~ I love doing live streaming, creating contents and playing games while spending time with you. I hope my channel can give you comfort, a safe place for you. A place that you can call home, where we spend our precious and memorable time together.
Don't forget to join Nawuruw Discord, so we could talk together outside from the stream!
Thank you so much for all the supports! Nawuruw love you so much!
Jangan lupa untuk join Discord Nawuruw ya, jadi kita bisa ngobrol di luar live!
Terima kasih banyak atas dukungannya! Nawuruw sangat cinta kalian!
Hola! I am Nawuruw, a Vtuber from Indonesia. Nice to meet you~ I love doing live streaming, creating contents and playing games while spending time with you. I hope my channel can give you comfort, a safe place for you. A place that you can call home, where we spend our precious and memorable time together.
Don't forget to join Nawuruw Discord, so we could talk together outside from the stream!
Thank you so much for all the supports! Nawuruw love you so much!
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