leganewu's Channel
leganewu has no videos available.
This channel is dedicated to the greatest metalheads I've ever had the honour to meet:
Anthea "Metalmoshqueen666" Peetersson
06/02/1990 -- 02/16/2011
Karsten "Jovi" Lange
07/17/1965 -- 04/08/2010
R.I.P. my dear friends, we shall meet again in Helheim one day.
Funny and interesting people find a ready welcome here, I'll be trying to talk to all of yous, when I find the time.
You subscribed to my channel?? Cool, thank you!!! (^_^)
Sorry if I might not notice it, but a team of highly trained monkeys has managed that youtube doesn't always send me a note (ಠ_ಠ)
So, if you want me to talk with you, just talk to me:P
Aw, you unsubscribed? That makes me go bwahahahahahaha...... NOT!!
Just be assured that youtube won't send any notes either LOL
Extremists of all shades are not welcome here, drivelling trolls and religious zealots will be ignored. Shove your sermons, scriptures and pointless opinions where the sun don't shine, and leave us people be that can think on our own!!

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