Roman Messer
Roman Messer's Channel
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Roman Messer
Rome wasn't built in a day – likewise, a career in trance music doesn't build itself. Back in 2012, shortly after signing his first track to a label, all that Roman Messer had was an ambition, a dream of a new life. Fast forward to the new decade, and those words have become the titles of his three artist albums, and – through relentless hard work – that dream has become a reality.

Nowadays, Roman is an well-established figure in the ever-growing trance scene. Juggling the jobs of a music producer, a traveling DJ, and a label owner, he's been busy building his reputation as one of the most prominent trance acts to come from Russia, both in his homeland and worldwide. In 2019, the user voting on the respected international portal TrancePodium had him billed as one of the top 15 trance artists in the world – a skyrocketing growth from #30 in 2018 and #59 in 2017.
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