Live Action Star Wars
A positive take on live action STAR WARS films, television series, documentaries, trailers, commercials and beyond!
James and Ralph love Star Wars and are excited to talk about it on this video and audio podcast. They are going to discuss all of the LIVE ACTION shows coming soon to Disney+, as well as documentaries, TV commercials, video game footage, TV specials and of course the films! Join us on this positive adventure through the galaxy we love! Don't give in to hate and celebrate the love!
Hosts: James Hewlett (@JHewlett) & Ralph Apel (@CasinoSkunk)
Follow us everywhere @LiveActionSW
James and Ralph love Star Wars and are excited to talk about it on this video and audio podcast. They are going to discuss all of the LIVE ACTION shows coming soon to Disney+, as well as documentaries, TV commercials, video game footage, TV specials and of course the films! Join us on this positive adventure through the galaxy we love! Don't give in to hate and celebrate the love!
Hosts: James Hewlett (@JHewlett) & Ralph Apel (@CasinoSkunk)
Follow us everywhere @LiveActionSW
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