ToLiVeAnDiEiNLA23 AkA mr..MANE WE tALk bOut sUME kRAZii tHinq lOl i qOt lUVE FO HiM tHO tHE OnLy pERSoN ii tRUST WHiiF ANii THinq .. FO EVA (nO bODy WiiLL REPLACE dhAt) =P lOl..HE SWEET KiNDA hELLA FUNNi MA b3ST FRiEND FO EVA .....lUVE HiiM tUUh dEAtH =)
lmfaooooooooooooooooooooo thats sooooo true to OMG U GOT ME WEAK AS FUCK NOW HAHAHAHAHAHA. it do be cold to on the otherside when u flip it lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooo all shit im up now lmfao dha bestiee steve! deedrick116..SO SW33T KiNDA FUNNi..3RR THiinq!... NEWYORKNIGGA3..: ii Miiqht hAvE jUSZ mEt CHRiS A mOnTh AqO bUt hESZ HELLA FUNNii...bUt hE DRiiVESZ M3 CRAZXii lOl..But hE kOO! =) steve aka the bestie fOr eva lOl...this dude here alwaysz been dhere for me like dheres no 2morrow dha most realist coolist funniest dude yOu eva meet On dhiszz yt shytee =) ii'dd bee lOst whiff Outt hiim lOl
lmfaooooooooooooooooooooo thats sooooo true to OMG U GOT ME WEAK AS FUCK NOW HAHAHAHAHAHA. it do be cold to on the otherside when u flip it lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooo all shit im up now lmfao dha bestiee steve! deedrick116..SO SW33T KiNDA FUNNi..3RR THiinq!... NEWYORKNIGGA3..: ii Miiqht hAvE jUSZ mEt CHRiS A mOnTh AqO bUt hESZ HELLA FUNNii...bUt hE DRiiVESZ M3 CRAZXii lOl..But hE kOO! =) steve aka the bestie fOr eva lOl...this dude here alwaysz been dhere for me like dheres no 2morrow dha most realist coolist funniest dude yOu eva meet On dhiszz yt shytee =) ii'dd bee lOst whiff Outt hiim lOl
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