TeamVASH's Channel
TeamVASH has no videos available.
Meags and Vash are a two person coding team. We are building the greatest and most ambitious massively multiplayer game of all time. I have a dream to play one game for the rest of my life that never stops evolving. A game with infinite progression, content and stories. One game to rule them all.

My goal is to create a game with so much fun content that content creators will never need more then one game for the rest of their lives. We are working on this project all day every day and as our crowd funding and support increases so will the size of our team.

Please help make our dream a reality. Show your love by becoming a monthly Patreon supporter or a daily supporter of our coding live streams

Channel Began: 20 July 2018
500: November 2018
1000: December 2018
5000: January 2019
10000: February 2019
25000: November 2019
50000: January 2022
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