PureSaiyanPower's Channel
PureSaiyanPower has no videos available.
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Hi guys!
This is Avinash: http://www.youtube.com/user/SSJAvinash
(Realtactikz): http://www.youtube.com/user/realtactikz

We've collaborated and made this account
PureSuperPower (PSP in short)!
I guess where we're heading..
That's right this a PSP and PSP ONLY account!
We'll upload videos from these following games:
☆Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi Tag Team
☆Dragon Ball Z Shin Budokai 2
☆Dragon Ball Z shin Budokai
(more to come...)
And YES we will accept requests and
DO NOT specify who has to do it.
We'll decide =)
Anyways thanks for taking your time reading this description and if you're still reading this then,
here are rules that you must follow
1.We are all mature human beings and would not accept any vulgar comments. Any such comments will be deleted and the user WILL be blocked
2.Fell free to ask anything!
We're ready to do anything within our power
3.We accept any request ( must be a fair one =P) but please don't request us to make it faster...we'll take our time.But we WILL some how do it =)
4. Don't spam comments.
5. DON'T ask us to sub you. We know what we're doing and we WILL sub you if we want to
6. We accept everybody but spammers.
That's pretty much it and thanks for reading and abiding the rules.
See ya!
Friends (1)
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