I use Pokémon Showdown live commentaries and Competitive Team Builders to unlock your Competitive Pokémon Battling potential! The commentaries are strategy focused to help you learn exactly how you should be thinking while battling.
Upload Schedule:
Monday: Competitive Teambuilder (Subscriber requests) - I build a team around a certain pokemon on screen
Wednesday: Pokemon Showdown LIVESTREAM (Laddering + Viewer Battles) using team made on Monday
Friday: Pokemon Showdown Live
Sunday: Pokemon Showdown Laddering LIVESTREAM
My Pokémon Showdown name: macadii
My Pokémon Showdown Team Testing name: MACADIITESTING
If you ever see me online feel free to challenge me to a battle or just chat!
I hope you guys enjoy my content and leave a comment if you have any ideas of how you want me to improve anything!
Upload Schedule:
Monday: Competitive Teambuilder (Subscriber requests) - I build a team around a certain pokemon on screen
Wednesday: Pokemon Showdown LIVESTREAM (Laddering + Viewer Battles) using team made on Monday
Friday: Pokemon Showdown Live
Sunday: Pokemon Showdown Laddering LIVESTREAM
My Pokémon Showdown name: macadii
My Pokémon Showdown Team Testing name: MACADIITESTING
If you ever see me online feel free to challenge me to a battle or just chat!
I hope you guys enjoy my content and leave a comment if you have any ideas of how you want me to improve anything!
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