Pondguru's Channel
Pondguru has no videos available.
Lots of videos here - Just me and my varied hobbies, educational videos, review videos and the occasional give away.
If you want to be informed of future uploads you can hit the 'subscribe' button and tick the 'keep me informed' box. You will get new videos sent to your inbox when they have uploaded.
If you want to help support my channel please check out the Amazon links in the video descriptions. For purchases I get a small kick-back from Amazon at no extra cost to yourself and it helps to fund my channel and help me to create more videos.
I make my videos purely as a hobby so if you find them useful please share anywhere online.
My other channel for outdoor videos is 'Thousand Yard Stare' - please subscribe there as that channel has some good exclusive videos on it.
Feel free to phone any time on 07772848730 - It's much quicker than emails.
Pondguru (Richard)
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