Aldergrove Garden Railway
Welcome to Aldergrove Garden Railway.
The railway is located in Norway and includes approx. 150 feet of G Scale Track (45mm)
It operates year around, as weather permits, even during the Norwegian winter season)
Locomotives at Aldergrove:
UP EMD GP7/9 (USA Trains)
UP EMD GP30 (USA Trains)
DB BR182 (Piko)
GBRf Class 66 (Aristo Craft)
Helper/Shunter (Playmobil)
Rolling Stock:
UP Refrigerator Car (Aristo Craft)
C&S Refrigerator Car (Aristo Craft)
Track Cleaning Caboose (Aristo Craft)
DB Express Passenger Coach 1st/2nd Class (LGB)
DB Express Passenger Coach 2nd Class (LGB)
DB Express Passenger Coach Cafe/2nd Class (LGB)
Flat Bed Car (Playmobil)
The railway is located in Norway and includes approx. 150 feet of G Scale Track (45mm)
It operates year around, as weather permits, even during the Norwegian winter season)
Locomotives at Aldergrove:
UP EMD GP7/9 (USA Trains)
UP EMD GP30 (USA Trains)
DB BR182 (Piko)
GBRf Class 66 (Aristo Craft)
Helper/Shunter (Playmobil)
Rolling Stock:
UP Refrigerator Car (Aristo Craft)
C&S Refrigerator Car (Aristo Craft)
Track Cleaning Caboose (Aristo Craft)
DB Express Passenger Coach 1st/2nd Class (LGB)
DB Express Passenger Coach 2nd Class (LGB)
DB Express Passenger Coach Cafe/2nd Class (LGB)
Flat Bed Car (Playmobil)
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