The Fallen Fett
@thefallenfett on all social media / Hey guys what’s up I’m Ernie and welcome to The Fallen Fett Chronicles : a show for everyone featuring Star Wars topics , Pop Culture Fandom , News , Inboxings and Unboxings with a ton of special guest / Join @Evildiva and I for Disneyland DCA Park news , tips , updates , and reminiscing with our biweekly show How We Do Disney ! We have so much more content to come so hit that thumbs up - subscribe and hit the bell for notifications then hit All so you won’t miss a show ! Just for a little background I’m a long time toy collector, Star Wars lover , Disney enthusiast who started a podcast as cohost of Toymigos They’re Not Dolls which led to many programs apart of The Raw Live Unedited Podcasting Network found on . Then transitioning to YouTube Live shows with @toymigos @sarlaccdigest and the newest venture @bobasquadron ! So sit back relax invite your friends and enjoy the show .
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