Oh Hi I'm Ulok ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡
Most of the video content is based on memes, handwriting, tiktok short films, etc.
Cooperation is possible but I will do it very slowly😫💦
No relationship, just friends
Hope you like my video ψ(`∇´)ψ
"I'm sorry that my eyes are very bad, so there are often a lot of typos in the video.
So if you find any typos, please feel free to tell me and let me know that I’ve made a mistake again (´._.`)"
(Use google translate)
Most of the video content is based on memes, handwriting, tiktok short films, etc.
Cooperation is possible but I will do it very slowly😫💦
No relationship, just friends
Hope you like my video ψ(`∇´)ψ
"I'm sorry that my eyes are very bad, so there are often a lot of typos in the video.
So if you find any typos, please feel free to tell me and let me know that I’ve made a mistake again (´._.`)"
(Use google translate)